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Dan King is podcast host of The 360 Size Up with Fireman Dan, Children’s book author, a Fire Chief and an incredible husband and father.

The 360 Size Up with Fireman Dan Podcast is available through all podcasting networks.  360 Size Up is about personal accountability and leadership.  Our responsibility is to serve and help one another be our best.

He is a great storyteller that helps our future generation of firefighters learn about the fire service as well as real stories of firefighters and their families.  3 of his 4 children’s books are available through amazon:  .  Covered with Love is offered @

Dan King’s experience ranges from fire safety to emergency preparedness, and occupational health management.  He is experienced in municipal and industrial firefighting and leadership.

He enjoys wearing branded apparel and using branded items when traveling, doing podcast, books tours and offering swag to his podcasting guest.